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周五 18:30




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在美国,残障是一个法律术语而不是医学术语。它将残障人士定义为由于身体或精神受损严重限制了一项或多项主要日常活动的人。1990年,《美国残疾人法案》(ADA)成为法律,该法律禁止在公共生活的所有领域歧视残障人士,包括工作、学校、交通以及向公众开放的所有公共和私人场所。 在该法律通过11年后,也就是 Ming Canaday 12岁时,她在中国被一个美国家庭收养,美国成为她新的家。她一直在追求自己关于教育、职业、锻炼身体和全球旅行的梦想,而且还是在轮椅上。Ming 的人生是一个关于战胜歧视和自我怀疑的故事。她是Traipsin' Global on Wheels(TGOW)组织的创始人,为各种残障人士争取平等和正义。Ming 曾说,“二十一世纪,任何一群人都不应被视为二等公民,尤其是残疾人。“7月12日,上海美国中心请来了 Ming Canaday,和大家聊一聊残障女性的身份认同、残障人士的旅行贴士和健康贴士、以及如何为残障人士争取权益等话题。

In the United States, “disability” is a legal term rather than a medical one. It defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990.  This civil rights law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.  Eleven years after the law was passed, when Ming Canaday was already 12 years old, she was adopted from China by an American family. America became her new homeland. She has chased her dreams for an education, career, physical fitness, and global travel – in a wheelchair.  Ming’s is a story of triumph over discrimination and self-doubt.  She is the founder of Traipsin’ Global on Wheels (TGOW) and she advocates for equality and justice for people with various disabilities.  Ming is known for saying, “In the 21st century, no group should be treated as second class citizens, especially individuals with disabilities.”  On July 12th, the Shanghai American Center will welcome Ming Canaday for a discussion on what it’s like to identify as a woman with a disability, tips for traveling and staying fit with a disability, and how to embrace and advocate for people with disabilities.

Ming Canaday于2013年获得俄勒冈大学的学士学位,她主修国际研究、中文和亚洲研究。在俄勒冈大学就读期间,她曾三次前往中国,在华东师范大学和南京大学完成课程,并在广州和南京实习。毕业后,她搬去了纽约,在纽约市立大学获得了残疾研究的相关证书,以便更好地为残障人士争取权益。她还完成了一个关于中国残疾人政策的研究实习。 2016年,Ming完成了伦敦政治经济学院国际关系史硕士学位课程。在留学欧洲期间,她去了欧洲各地旅行。目前她居住在华盛顿特区。在创立TGOW之前,她是RespectAbility的研究员,RespectAbility是一个旨在增加残疾人就业机会的非盈利组织。她还曾在美国参议院担任国会职员。业余时间,Ming喜欢游泳、探索新社区、旅游和阅读。

Ming Canaday earned a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Oregon in 2013, where she triple-majored in International Studies, Chinese, and Asian Studies. While attending the University of Oregon, Ming traveled to China on three separate occasions, completing coursework at East China Normal University and Nanjing University and interning in Guangzhou and Nanjing.  After graduating, she moved to New York City where she pursued a certificate at the City University of New York in Disability Studies to better advocate for individuals with disabilities. She also completed a research internship on China’s policies related to people with physical, mental, and developmental impairments. In 2016, Ming completed coursework for a Master’s degree in the History of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. During her time in Europe, Ming traveled extensively on the continent. She currently resides in Washington D.C. Before founding TGOW, she was a former fellow at RespectAbility, a non-profit organization that seeks to reduce stigma and increase employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. She also served as a Congressional staffer in the United States Senate. In her spare time, Ming enjoys swimming, exploring new neighborhoods, traveling, and reading.


The program will be conducted in Chinese, with questions answered in Chinese or English.


13 岁以下儿童谢绝参加。请确保您用于预约的名字和您证件上的名字是一致的。每个人每场活动只能报名一次,重复报名同一场活动可能会导致您的报名无效。

This program is not suitable for children under 13. Please make sure the name used to register for the event matches the name on your ID. Individuals may register for one seat per event. Those who register multiple times for the same event risk having all registrations cancelled.


Doors will open and security screening will commence at least 15 minutes before the program starts. You must bring a valid physical photo ID in order to enter the Shanghai American Center (ShAC). Copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted. People who RSVP’d will be admitted first; all others may be accommodated on a space available basis.


All belongings carried into the ShAC will be scanned during security screening. While guests may not bring laptop computers to Shanghai American Center programs, portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted,.


Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai Press Office. Additionally, audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.


All program participants grant the Shanghai American Center and the U.S. Department of State permission to publish, exhibit, edit, alter, copy, or distribute their likeness in a photograph in any and all publications for Government or nongovernment purposes, including website entries and any lawful purpose, without payment, approval, or any other consideration in perpetuity.)


Staff of the ShAC reserve all rights to refuse entry.

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上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称 ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分。 上海美国中心是您了解美国文化的窗口,就美国历史、政治、社会和文化等话题开设讲座、座谈、电影放映等形式的活动,邀请各领域的美中专家学者来和观众分享他们的经历。

地址: 上海市南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室


如果你希望以邮件的形式收到将来活动的通知,请联系 ShanghaiIRC@state.gov。